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To the participants of the January 15th, 2017 Paris Conference on a Palestinian State:

It would be of vital importance to review a document detailing the mind of God on the subject you will be discussing in Paris. The results of a decision contrary to God’s mind on the subject have far-reaching consequences for your own individual nations.

It should be noteworthy to you that the book of Ezekiel was one of the biblical books of the Dead Sea Scrolls found in the Judean Desert in 1946, just about the time the Modern State of Israel was forced to emerge. The decision you are being asked to make in Paris has already been made in the U.N. Security Council in 1947. The two-state solution was ratified, however, five Arab nations said a resounding, “NO!” and launched a war to abort the nation of Israel that was just about to be reborn.

The subject of your gathering in Paris — to divide the Land — is the Prophet Ezekiel’s subject in chapter thirty-six. Let me just outline the important points.


“Good! The ancient heights have become our possession” (vs 2).

According to the verses following the above verse, the area of the “ancient heights” are the mountains of Israel. It should be important to note that most of the area that will be on the table in Paris is territory in those very mountains.

It should also be important to take note that God calls the Land, “My Land”.

“…In My burning zeal I speak against the rest of the nations and all of Edom (present day Jordan) who took MY LAND as their own possession with whole hearted rejoicing and utter contempt…” (vs 5).

The continuing siege against Israel since its inception in 1948 is now coming to the Valley of Decision. The Prophet Joel spoke sobering words — terrifying words — about you who are being called to Paris, the new Valley of Decision.

“I will gather all the nations and take them to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. I will enter into judgment with them there because of My people, My inheritance Israel. The nations have scattered the Israelites in foreign countries and divided up MY LAND” (Joel 3:2).

God concludes this very important lesson in verse 15:

“I will no longer allow the insults of the nations to be heard against you, and you will not have to endure the reproach of the peoples anymore…” (vs 15).

My advise to you is to decline participation in the conference in Paris. Should you imagine you should be there, I strongly urge that you cast your vote against dividing God’s Land, and let your voice be strongly heard . The nation you represent will bear the consequences of your vote — either for the bad, or for the good.

–Ron Cantrell


Prayer at the wall (Ron Cantrell)

Jewish prayer at the Western Wall is now illegal according to the United Nations Resolution 2334 and the demand for Israel to return to the 1967 borders. (photo: Ron Cantrell)


Hebrew University, Mount Scopus is now considered illegal territory under the UN resolution.

It is my hope to clarify the ‘hard to decipher’ political situation we face immediately.

In a dastardly move the day before Christmas Eve and Hanukkah, the United Nations moved the world to the brink of war. The war question is not hypothetical.

Knowing what was in the making, just prior to the U.N. Security Council meeting on December 23, 2016, Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly contacted key national leaders, in emergency phone conversations, saying that if resolution 2334 was passed, declaring Israeli settlements illegal, it was “a declaration of war.” A spokesman for Netanyahu claimed to have “ironclad evidence” that the Obama administration had plotted behind the scenes to promote the UN resolution. Israel has said it will present evidence against the Obama administration to the incoming Trump team.

New Zealand co-sponsored the text of the resolution which was prepared by Egypt in co-operation with the Palestinians. Egypt was persuaded, by an angry Donald Trump, to withdraw the proposal, however, New Zealand snuck it in opaquely and under “ Urgency” the next day in the final meeting of the year to keep it from happening under the incoming Trump administration. Trump would have vetoed on America’s behalf and undoubtedly de-funded the U.N.

Netanyahu contacted leaders stressing that they refuse to vote for the resolution. The resolution passed the Security Council in a 14-0 vote with our very own United States abstaining instead of vetoing.
Israel has announced that business with the embassies of the countries who voted for the U.N. proposal: — Britain, France, Russia, China, Japan, Ukraine, Angola, Egypt, Uruguay, Spain, Senegal and New Zealand — will be suspended. Netanyahu will not meet with the foreign ministers of those countries and their ambassadors will not be received at Israel’s Foreign Ministry, the officials added.


Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has lambasted the upcoming Middle East peace conference in Paris, labeling it a “scheme” designed to hurt Israel’s reputation and likening it to the infamous trial of French Jewish officer Alfred Dreyfus.

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has lambasted the upcoming Middle East peace conference in Paris, labeling it a “scheme” designed to hurt Israel’s reputation and likening it to the infamous trial of French Jewish officer Alfred Dreyfus.

An epic meeting of biblical proportions (see Ezekiel below) of the leaders of 70 nations is scheduled for January 15 in Paris to determine the future of a two state solution, creating a Palestinian State for the first time in history (by the way, there never was a Palestine [refer to my abridged time-line below). Neither Netanyahu, nor Abbas are invited to the meeting – they will be briefed after the fact by the French President in a second Paris meeting.

UN Security Council Resolution 2334 was one of the most significant events in decades. It made all Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria, and in east Jerusalem, illegal; it set the 1967 ceasefire lines as the border between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and it granted every single inch of East Jerusalem to the Palestinians. It is important to know that before the 1967 Six Day War, the entire Old City of Jerusalem was under Jordanian control, viewed by Jordan as ‘Greater Jordan.’ However, the resolution stopped short of giving official UN Security Council recognition to a Palestinian State, and that is why the January 15 conference is so significant.

Shortly after the resolution passed, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump tweeted, “as to the UN, things will be different after Jan. 20.” Later he added: “We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the U.S., but not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal, and now this (U.N.)! Stay strong Israel, January 20 is fast approaching!”.

As renowned constitutional and criminal lawyer and Harvard scholar, Alan Dershowitz notes, according to the resolution, “It is now illegal for Jews to pray at the Western Wall, live in certain Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem or attend Hebrew University on Mt. Scopus.” It is a further denial of the Jewish connection to its holiest site. It also entrenches BDS – the isolation and boycott of Israel. It enshrines a brand new principal of international law – that the victor in a defensive war (in this case it was against Jordan since there was in reality no Palestine) has no right or claim to the land it acquires and must hand it back – but here Israel would have to hand it back to Jordan and not Palestinians (the Palestinians at the time of the ’67 war had no governing body nor did they seek autonomy anywhere other than in Jordan).

If you supported Resolution 2334 before, do you still support it now that you know the ramifications?


Ezekiel chapter 36 would be a good thing to send delegates to the Paris conference. If taken seriously it could turn nations 180 degrees in their intentions toward God’s land.

“Ah ha! The ancient heights have become our possession,…”

“The Lord God says: Look, I speak in My burning zeal. Because you (speaking to Israel) have endured the insults of the nations, I swear that the nations around you will endure their own insults.”


A Jordanian postage stamp dated January 13, 1964 shows Jordan (pink area) extending all the way past the Sea of Galilee, the Jordan River and the Dead Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. There is no mention of Palestine at the Arab Summit Conference that this stamp memorializes. Jordan still refers to Jerusalem as, The Western Heights (of Jordan).

A Jordanian postage stamp dated January 13, 1964 shows Jordan (pink area) extending all the way past the Sea of Galilee, the Jordan River and the Dead Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. There is no mention of Palestine at the Arab Summit Conference that this stamp memorializes. Jordan still refers to Jerusalem as, The Western Heights (of Jordan).

Here is truth: There was no Palestinian territory occupied since 1967. None. There never has been. In 1964, Yassir Arafat grabbed onto the British term Palestine and ran with it.


In 1911 Abd al-Hadi, was a founding member of the Paris-based underground al-Fatat (“the Young Arab Society”) nationalist society, which was devoted to Arab independence and unity. He was among the organizers of the Arab Congress of 1913 in Paris and served as private secretary of Faisal I of Iraq at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. Abd al-Hadi was later an adviser to Amir Abdullah in Jordan and an Arab leader in Jerusalem. Abd al-Hadi addressed the British Peel Commission in 1936 declaring, “There is no such country as Palestine. Palestine is a term the Zionists invented. Even your Bibles that label maps Palestine are in error. Our country was for centuries part of Syria.”


In September of 1970, Yassir Arafat declared Palestinian Statehood. Where? Not in Israel but in Jordan. His message to the Hashemite King of Jordan was that the land belonged to the Palestinians not a him, a displaced Saudi prince. King Hussein massacred Palestinians in retaliation for Arafat’s declaration. The time came to be known as “Black September” from where the terrorists who murdered the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics took their name.

Our present political situation has been in the making for a very long time. The comfortable living conditions of the Western world are good however, The downside is that they are not forced to remember history or to take a look at history.

This sad fact has been used by the enemies of Israel and the west. Until just recently, the BBC – The British Broadcasting Company has created its own Middle East reality built on astonishing boldfaced lies.

Somewhere along the way, the British developed a favoritism for the Muslim world. Most likely a product of Sir Lawrence of Arabia. With the help of five Muslim nations he defeated the Ottoman Empire and drove the turks out of what is now the Holy Land (Israel). Lawrence of Arabia promised to those five Muslim nations to create a state for each of their royal princes at the end of the war. The league of Nations was formed at that time and a map was rolled out on the table and carving the entire Middle East into these states commenced.

Not every British citizen was anti-Jewish and pro Arab. Simultaneously there was a program to deliver to the Jewish people a homeland in the Holy Land.

A quick look at the process

The defeat of the Turkish Ottoman Empire – 1914: 

The Great Arab Revolt began on June 5, 1916 from where the famous Lawrence
of Arabia gained his renown. The victory was won in short order. The aim was
securing independence from the ruling Ottoman Turks  and creating a single
unified Arab state spanning from Aleppo in Syria to Aden in Yemen. Lawrence of
Arabia promised kingdoms to five Saudi Princes for their aid.

1920 – League of Nations: 

League of Nations mandates were established in disputed territories so that residents could decide which country they would join. The mandate we are interested in here applied to parts of the old Ottoman Empire which of course included much of the Middle East.

1920 – White paper: 

The British White Paper of 1922, also known as the Churchill White Paper was a document drafted by the British Colonial Secretary, Winston Churchill with the help of Sir Herbert Samuel and was issued on June 3, 1922 with the purpose of clarifying  the Balfour Declaration for the Jewish homeland and how the British viewed it.

The British mandate over the Middle East: 

The British Mandate for Palestine’s objective of the League of Nations Mandate system was to administer parts of the defunct Ottoman Empire, which had been in control of the Middle East since the 16th century,
“until such time as they are able to stand alone.”

The Saudi Hashemite prince threatens war against Britain if they don’t give him a state.

Problems arise when France rejects the League of Nations intent to carve Lebanon into one of the new nations promised the Saudi princes. Jordan is created in answer to that threat dividing the Jewish homeland in half at the Jordan River. (This is already the two state solution). Actually, at that time, everyone was accepting of this solution in spite of Israel losing more than half their homeland allotment.

The United Nations votes in favor of a two state solution – 1947.

In an historic meeting of the United Nations Security Council, the promised homeland for the Jews was divided a third time giving more land to the Arabs. Israel had to accept the fact, however, the five nationssurrounding Israel shouted a resounding “NO!” and declared war.

Israel is forced to declare statehood – 1948.

Israel was forced to unilaterally declare Statehood and in the ensuing war, Israel survives but loses another 1/3 of its land to Jordan. In the ensuing years the entire Old City of Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Golan Heights and the Sinai were lost to Jordan and Egypt.

Israel is attacked on all borders – 1967.

Egypt’s Abdel Nasser moved troops toward the Israeli border in a planned strike against the nation. Israel launched  pre-emptive strikes taking out Egypt’s entire air force before they could leave the runways. Nasser radioed Syria and claiming a resounding defeat of Israel and called those nations to take advantage of the situation and attack Israel. Israeli counterattacks resulted in the seizure of East Jerusalem, the entire Old City, the West Bank from the Jordanians and the Golan Heights from Syria.

Israel is attacked by Egypt – 1973.

On the most holy day of the Jewish calendar: Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement when all communications are shut down, Egypt attacks Israel. Knowing how long it would take for Israel’s Defense Forces to muster themselves, Egypt believed they could win another war against Israel. Once again Egypt was trounced and lost the entire Sinai Peninsula to Israel until Israel returned the Sinai to Egypt under pressure from Western sources for a peace that has yet to materialize.


The following thanks to a blogger:

If what an Egyptian newspaper is claiming is true, then there may very well be an international conspiracy at work against Israel. According to a transcript published by the Al-Youm Al-Sabea newspaper, John Kerry and U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice met with Palestinian officials in early December and presented Kerry’s plan to them at that time… 

It has been reported that: 

In a meeting in early December with top Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, US Secretary of State John Kerry told the Palestinians that the US was prepared to cooperate with the Palestinians at the Security council, Israel’s Channel 1 TV said, quoting the Egyptian Al-Youm Al-Sabea newspaper.
Also present at the meeting were US National Security Adviser Susan Rice, and Majed Faraj, director of the Palestinian Authority’s General Intelligence Service.Kerry is quoted as saying that he could present his ideas for a final status solution if the Palestinians pledge they will support the proposed framework. The US officials advised the Palestinians to travel to Riyadh to present the plan to Saudi leaders.The Obama administration is denying all of this of course. But if it is true, then the betrayal of Israel by Obama is much deeper than any of us realized.With less than a month to go in his presidency, Barack Obama has decided to launch an all-out attack on Israel. Once Resolution 2334 passed and the uproar against it was limited, that emboldened the Obama administration to go for broke.

Now it looks like they actually could try to get a Palestinian state created before he leaves office on January 20th, and if that happens it will be absolutely catastrophic for America.

You see, the truth is that we have been warned for many years that our land will be divided after the land of Israel is officially divided into two states. Many of us have been watching for the creation of a Palestinian state for a very long time, and now we may be right on the verge of it happening.

When Donald Trump takes office he would not be able to reverse the creation of a Palestinian state, but one thing that he could do would be to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

Jordan warned the USA just today that if Trump moves the embassy to Jerusalem it will be a ‘red line’ for them.

If that happens, the Palestinians also are promising to throw a massive temper tantrum…

When asked how the Palestinians would react if Trump carried out his promise to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, Erekat reportedly said the Palestine Liberation Organization would rescind its recognition of Israel and ask Arab states to expel their US envoys.

Erekat made precisely that threat in a December 19 conference call organized by the Wilson Center policy forum. He said he would immediately resign as the chief Palestinian negotiator, and that “the PLO will revoke its recognition of Israel” as well as all previously signed agreements with Israel.

Furthermore, said Erekat, all American embassies in the Arab world would be forced to close — not necessarily because Arab leaderships would want to close them, but because the infuriated public in the Arab world would not “allow” for the embassies to continue to operate.

Ultimately, everything that is happening now is setting the stage for the biggest war in the Middle East that we have ever seen.

So instead of this “peace process” being the solution, it is actually going to cause the Middle East to explode in violence.

Israeli Legislative Elections, 2015

Israel elections 2015

Early elections for the twentieth Knesset will be held in Israel on 17 March.



The 120 seats in the Knesset are elected by proportional representation in a single nationwide constituency. (To read more about the Israeli political parties within the Knesset, click below.)

Israeli parties

Israeli parties

Let’s agree together for a governing body in Israel that will establish a security to her people and borders.

Father, we pray for Israel as she goes to elections, and protect her citizens as they go to the polls on Tuesday. Continue to secure Israel and borders from the evil plans and strategies of terror and destruction. Bless Israel today and make her strong and very courageous against all her enemies.

Father, bless the Body of Messiah in Israel — Jews, Arabs and Christians. Strengthen their hands and the good work they are doing for Your Kingdom. Give them boldness and great courage. May Your praises be strong within her.

Israel, God is FOR  you, and He is mighty to save and deliver you.

Father, bless Your people… the ones you call ‘My inheritance,’ for the glory of Your name, amen.

Israelis go to the polls, Tuesday, March 17.

Israelis go to the polls, Tuesday, March 17.

An Historic Moment

This is an Op/Ed by Ron Cantrell following the address to the 
U.S. Congress by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu speech

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressing the US Congress, March 3, 2015.

I believe this was the most historic speech since Winston Churchill.

On one hand I am proud of the United States Congress. On the other, I apologize to Israel for those congressmen and congresswomen who refused to show up for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address. Twenty-six standing ovations in 44-minutes before the Congress and President Obama responds with, “Netanyahu offered nothing new and no viable alternatives.” I am embarrassed! Iran claimed the address was, “boring and repetitive.” I’m sure they did.

It is my opinion that the United States has just come to a pivotal point in history.  I believe many that heard the Prime Minister’s address would agree with me. Future generations will ask what we did with this dire warning from our only real ally in the region. The name Neville Chamberlin should come to mind again as what seems to be a scrambling administration seeks . . . “WHAT?” I don’t know what they are seeking.

Arming Iran…Why?

Iranian military parade of missiles

Iranian military parade of missiles

Iran may have as many as 190,000 centrifuges in operation soon. Why???? What enemy does Iran have to need a full-blown nuclear arsenal of that magnitude? Saudi Arabia is shaking in their boots and watching closely at what we will do. And not just watching…they are warning us.

Bibi handed a splendid compliment to those Americans who support Israel and have for decades. And, he did not neglect to acknowledge the good things that our President has done on behalf of Israel during his term in office. Netanyahu is a big man–a man of great political stature who has seen firsthand the insanity of terrorism and nations that perpetrate it. Bibi lost his beloved brother Yoni in the raid on Entebbe in Uganda decades ago–rescuing a hijacked airplane of Israelis by terrorists. We, too, have been firsthand witnesses of hate-filled Islamic terrorism when I survived a senseless suicide (homicide) bus bombing in downtown Jerusalem perpetrated by Hamas, funded by Iranian-backed Hezbollah.

A Contrast of Core Values

It is shameful to me that a foreign dignitary has to remind America of our core values by contrasting us with Iran. As Americans, we live with the understanding of our rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Meanwhile, the 1970s’ Iranian Revolution resulted in a new constitution, overseen by the exiled terrorist, Ayatollah Khomeini. That constitution declared the core value of Iran to be: Exporting the Revolution worldwide, and the pursuit of the ideal of jihad (“holy war” that leaves Islam as the last standing religion on the face of the earth). Summed up, their values are death, tyranny, and holy war. That’s the truthful contrast. In a nation that bans all but strict archaic Islamic lifestyles, including the internet, the Ayatollah “tweets” his intents to destroy Israel…in English! That would be just laughable if it were not so dire.

Iran blows up a mock US naval ship

Iran blows up a mock US naval ship

Netanyahu made the point clear to us in his address that Iran attacked and blew up a mock United States naval ship just last week.  Iran backs Hezbollah in Lebanon openly. The leader of Hezbollah has said that it would be good for all Jews to come home to Israel so that they can all be exterminated there and not chased around the nations of the world.

Remember Mordecai’s Warning to Queen Esther

The visit from the Israeli dignitary comes immediately before the Jewish fast/feast of Purim, wherein Queen Esther saved the Jewish people from a Persian tyrant. This intentional timing of the Israeli leader pleading, urging, and warning our nation, is unmistakably vital for us to heed.

A Regional Bad Deal

Bibi called this deal with Iran for what it is: a “bad deal.” He urged the U.S. to demand that Iran stop its aggression against its neighbors, stop its support of terrorism, and stop the open threats against Israel before any moves toward normalizing relations with them. The opinion of U.S. President Obama that Netanyahu offered no alternative is dangerously shortsighted. The fact is, should the deal go through, the Middle East will be ushered into a nuclear arms race to hold Iran at bay. Their aggression against Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and other regional neighbors, is being totally ignored.

An Urgent Warning

An urgent and strong warning from Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu

An urgent and strong warning from Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu

Netanyahu ended his address with a strong warning that Israel’s days of taking a beating at the hands of hate-filled Islamic nations is over. The irony was tangible as Bibi pointed up above the heads of the Congressmen and Congresswomen to the statue of Moses residing in the Congressional chamber. The Patriarch of both Christians and Jews speak in Scripture saying: “Never fear or dread your enemies.”

As for me, this warning address has not fallen on deaf ears. Tuesday March 3rd, 2015, stands as an historic moment in all of history. Perhaps the second most important world leader has issued a dire warning. For the sake of the beautiful people of the region, held hostage by tyrannical religious leaders, I am personally heeding this urgent warning.

U.S. President Obama is partly right when he says Netanyahu offered nothing new. The fact is, Netanyahu has been warning us for 15 years of what is now on the table.


Ron Cantrell, former resident of Jerusalem, Israel for 20 years, 
is the author of Unholy War for an Islamic Empire and The Mahdi, 
Hijacked Messiah. These books, and others by the author, are 
available on


Israel & America

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu before the US Congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu before the US Congress

America has always stood with Israel. In these days this position is even more important. With the address of Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu before our US Congress this morning, we have been urged once again about the importance of taking the strongest action necessary to protect the people of Israel, the surrounding nations under attack of ISIS, and the nuclear objectives of Iran.

We stand with God’s eternal purposes for the nations of the region according to His Word, especially Isaiah 19. So, let’s agree together:

Father in Heaven, thank You for Your eternal purposes for the people of Israel, the Palestinians, the Assyrians, Lebanese, Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian — and all the peoples of the region. We ask that You thwart all the plans and strategies of evil against Your people and continue to protect their borders. Expose all the enemy’s intentions and reveal their hideouts. Protect our USA troops there as well.

Bless Israel and her people today. May she again experience victory over every enemy who seeks her destruction as in the days of Queen Esther. May Israel be strong and of good courage in the God of her salvation.

May God continue to bless America. Amen.

To read the full transcript of Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu today before the US Congress, click here.

View the video of his speech.


The Fast & Feast of Esther

Purim-Fast feast of Esther

Purim, the fast and feast of Esther, begins March 4th.  In light of the ongoing grievous events in the Middle East region, we believe it is good to review the miraculous intervention by God on behalf of His people. We continue to pray for the Christians of the ancient church in Islamic nations presently enduring unimaginable attacks and persecution, as well as the Jewish people facing horrific antisemitic attacks against her citizens and borders. We agree together for the protection and deliverance of God’s people, as well as all the nations under attack in the region, in the face of such evil Haman-schemes. Amen.

Ancient Persia

The book of Esther unveils the ancient and captivating Persian world. The customs and the splendor of the Persian Empire are enthralling. The empire was far reaching in this time period. It encompassed nations such as Egypt, Babylon, Turkey and more. Much like stepping through Alice’s Looking Glass, the book of Esther is a trip backward in time through a Persian, lattice-work window. A plot so dramatic that it remains unrivaled for millennia and comes to life for us in the midst of the most colorful setting.


In some scenes, one can almost smell desert jasmine in the air. Like warm, summer nights with stars blazing above, and hot desert days enfold a story of God’s compassion for His people.

The stunning gardens of Persia, carved in stark contrast to the surrounding desert landscape, were the backdrop for a drama rivaling the best screen scripts of modern times. The word “paradise”, by the way, is an ancient Persian word for “garden.”


The Festival of Purim

The Festival of Purim takes place on the 14th of the Jewish month of Adar, around February or March. The celebration is not a Levitical pilgrimage festival requiring the worshiper to come up to Jerusalem as is Passover, Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles.

Purim is a microcosm of Jewish history. Here, like many other times in history, we find the Jews in exile and at the mercy of the whims of a local ruler. The handiwork of Heaven is constantly in view. Circumstances draw together in unusual ways that add up to more than just coincidence.

The Story of Queen Esther

In the opening of the story, Ahasuerus, King Xerxes’ Hebrew name, calls for Vashti his Queen to provide entertainment in the midst of a drunken banquet lasting 180 days.

King Ahashuerus

Refusing, the queen is dethroned, and Esther, a young Jewish girl in exile from Jerusalem, is chosen to take her place.


Esther’s guardian, her uncle Mordecai, coaxes her as he stands on the sidelines, and this story unfolds. Day after day, Mordechai refuses to pay homage to Xerxes’ vizier, Haman,Mordecai an Amalekite descendant. An incensed Haman pleads with the king to destroy Mordechai and annihilate his people, the Jews. The king, unthinkingly, gives Haman authority to execute his plan.

Mordechai, hearing the plan, pleads with Esther to approach the king lest the Hebrews perish.

Esther, with great planning and ceremony, entertains the king for three days in Persian style. On a sleepless night, the king reviews the archival records and discovers that Mordechai had exposed a plot to murder the king.

Irony spices the plot as Haman is appointed to parade Mordechai through the streets arrayed in royal attire to honor him for his bravery. Haman’s family prophesies his downfall from the event. In a surprising plot reversal, Queen Esther exposes Haman for the evil creature he is in the presence of the king and all his court. In great anger, the king then has Haman hanged on the gallows he had constructed on which to hang Mordechai.hamans_sons

In accordance with Persian law, all ten of Haman’s sons are hanged along with him. In ancient times, laws dictated that the sons of a felon were to be hanged along with him.

In the scroll of Esther, the names of Haman’s ten sons appear arranged as a verse of poetry. Tradition dictates that the reader of the scroll in the synagogue roll through the ten names in one breath as if to read through it with more than one breath might be a waste.

God so thoroughly defended the Jewish population that great fear came upon the rest of the population.

The story of Esther stands as a testimony of the power of God to deliver His people against all odds, even in the face of potential annihilation as they cried out to Him with fasting, prayer, and desperation. In this book, where God’s name is not even mentioned, He pervades every chapter and every character. Every twist of plot is orchestrated behind the scenes as if a puppet master were putting on a performance.

Deliverance Will Come!

Scroll of Esther

Photo: an ancient scroll of Esther from Baghdad.

Purim may not be a Levitical feast, but the lesson is worth celebrating: God will deliver us! Some of the other biblical feasts are also celebrations of God’s power in awesome acts of deliverance. This celebration, and other feasts of the Hebrew calendar, remind us again and again that we love a God who thwarts the plots of the ungodly who oppose the people He passionately loves.

We can celebrate ahead of time the victory He is working on our behalf no matter how impossible it may look. We are more impressed with God’s great power and His love for us than anything the enemy could send against us.

The above is an excerpt taken from The Feasts of the Lord: The Feasts, Fasts, & Festivals of the Bible, written by Ron Cantrell, available in paperback and digital formats on

The Feasts of the Lord: The Fasts, Feasts, & Festivals of the Bible

The Feasts of the Lord: The Fasts, Feasts, & Festivals of the Bible

We are God-Appointed

The words Mordecai said to Queen Esther ring true to us all today (Esther 4:14, HCSB):

Perhaps you have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this.

We have been perfectly positioned, fully equipped, and God-appointed to partner with Him in all He is doing in the nations. Motivated by God’s great compassion, we are committed to pray, and be actively engaged, to see the nations delivered into the full freedoms provided by the Messiah.

Let’s agree together:

Lord of the nations, deliver Your people, once again, from the hands of such horrific evil… for Your glory. May Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.

(Illustrations by Ron Cantrell)

Egypt, My People!!

Without a doubt you have seen the tragic and disturbing news about the Coptic Christians that were brutally murdered by ISIS in Libya. Our hearts are with the families — and all of Egypt — who are mourning the loss of their beloved ones. God bless each one of them today.

Neighbours and friends of the relatives of Egyptian Coptic men killed in Libya attend mass at a church, as a banner with pictures of the men who were men is displayed on the church wall, in El-Our village, in Minya governorate, south of Cairo February 16, 2015. (Photo: REUTERS/Asmaa Waguih, EGYPT)

Pope Francis did not shy away from the clear religious motivation behind the mass beheading. “They were murdered just because they were Christians,” he said during a meeting with a Scottish church leader, calling the victims “brothers, who died simply because they professed their faith in Jesus Christ.”

Who are the Coptic Christians?

In Egypt alone there are estimates of 9-15 million Coptic Christians, about 10-20% of the population. The Coptic Church community is one of the oldest in the Middle East. It is thought to believe that St Mark took the Gospel to Alexandria, Egypt shortly after the ascension around 42 A.D.

Ancient Alexandria, Egypt

Ancient Alexandria, Egypt

By the 2nd century, Christianity began to spread to rural areas and the Scriptures were translated into the local language known today as the Coptic language, but then known as the Egyptian language. By the beginning of the 3rd century A.D., Christians constituted the majority of Egypt’s population. You can read more about the history of the Coptic church on wikipedia.

The Ancient Church of the Middle East

It is important to note that the target of ISIS has been the ancient church of the Middle East that has been unconquered by Islam through the centuries— slaughtering Christians of the ancient church of Assyria in Northern Iraq, and the Coptic Christians of Egypt. Islam was unable to completely conquer the Coptic Church of Egypt, and so they continue to this day to persecute, kill them, and burn their churches. There seems to be an intentional strategy of these extreme Islamic radical groups to go after Christians in Islamic nations in particular.

Another of their intentions is to target Islamic nations that have partnered with the West: Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, and even Saudi Arabia.

With the rise of attacks against the Jewish communities in Europe as well, it is clear about the brutal agenda of these radical Islamic groups against Jews and Christians emerging around the globe.

How to Pray

We count it a privilege that God has allowed us to bless these nations where we have traveled and lived and have come to know many friends of the Middle East over the years—Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Israel, Iran. One of the things God has put on our hearts as we have been engaged with the Middle East, and Europe, is to pray God’s blessings on these nations. We have also been praying specifically for revival, that they will return to their spiritual roots of faith in Jesus. We have walked these lands and prayed on site in the Muslim, Christian, and Jewish communities for God’s purposes to be realized.

Pray especially for the Christians of these nations who are facing persecution as believers in Jesus.

Let’s agree together in a prayer for the nations of the Middle East:

Father, comfort the Egyptian families who have just lost their loved ones in this brutal act. We pray you will surround them with Your presence today. Continue to strengthen Egypt so that she will arise to the destiny You ordained for her at this time in history. Bless the church of Egypt – and in particular, all of our Egyptian friends!

Bless the church of Jordan today! Bless the King, the nation, his parliament, the economy, and all those agencies who are assisting the hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing ISIS.

We pray for the Assyrian, Iraqi, Syrian and Lebanese Christians, in particular, and ask that you make provision for all they need today. Protect them – and pour out Your goodness upon them.

Bless Israel today and surround her borders securely as the mountains surround Jerusalem. Bless the Body of Messiah of Jewish and Arab believers. May they demonstrate Him in creative ways.

Father, glorify Your name through the church of the Middle East today. Comfort the hurting, and provide for the all those who are in need today. May You be revealed as the Messiah and Lord of all. Thank you for all You are doing in these nations that You love.

In the name of Jesus/Yeshua/Yesu3, amen!

Awakening a Giant : Jordan

Entrance gate to the Roman Ruins at Jerash, Jordan

Entrance gate to the Roman Ruins at Jerash, Jordan

A single event has awakened a giant. The recent video-taped burning alive of a captured Jordanian pilot has enraged and enflamed King Hussein. The nation of Jordan is now showing her strength targeting a virulent enemy. 

Months ago, the directive was clear and urgent to us: “Go to Jordan now!” Jordan was in the pincers of ISIS – aka, “IS”, the Islamic State, and we felt the urgency to be there. Little did we know what would unfold a few months later.
Jerash: Roman Colonnade

Jerash: Roman Colonnade

This rogue militant extremist islamic group (IS), operating out of weakened Iraq, had verbally and openly announced to Jordan that the kingdom was next on the list to attack by the new emerging Caliphate (the worldwide Islamic government anxiously awaited by radical muslims). 

Carol and I were called to be feet on the ground last fall, to stand with Jordan against the evil spirit attempting to overrun the kingdom of Jordan – and, in fact, the entire region. 

Feet on the ground in Jordan. Holding back the demonic forces.

Feet on the ground in Jordan. Holding back the demonic forces.

Now, Carol and I watch in calm assurance of God’s promises to that nation as she battles the dark forces of Islam. 

Our route from the Red Sea at Aqaba to the far north, east, and west.
The Jordan River divides the map and Israel lies on the west side. The map place names are in Greek from the Christian influence there for hundreds of years before Islam arrived.

For years we have observed Jordan, both from afar and on site, to see a land blessed by God for their moderation and peaceful overtures toward Israel. In addition, the Jordanians have the largest refugee camps in the world — caring for many of the Syrian and Assyrian refugees escaping IS. God has truly blessed this nation for their efforts on behalf of these displaced peoples.

Thank you for your heart for the peoples of the Middle East! 

Merry Christmas!

Starry Starry Bethlehem night.

Starry Starry Bethlehem night.

(Note: Digital print by Ron Cantrell and available at — )


Adventure on the ancient main trade routes of the Middle East.

Ron on Camel

Some years back, I saddled a camel for the adventure of a lifetime.


A relatively thin slice of land along the Mediterranean Sea has been called, “The Sacred Bridge,” by scholars. In the place where nations have rubbed shoulders with one another for thousands of years, the changes have been only in the surface of the highways: narrow dirt paths gave way to Roman paving stones, later to asphalt, then to super-highways. A region with thousands of years of history make the mind reel for those of us birthed in a nation that is a mere 238-years old.

(Photo: Map of the ancient international trade routes.)

(Photo: Map of the ancient international trade routes.)

The vast desert to the east of the bridge kept international trade routes in a narrow corridor near the Mediterranean Sea. The Via Maris, “the Way of the Sea”, (in aqua) runs parallel to the Mediterranean Sea near the coast. The Kings Highway (in red) runs along the crest of the mountains of Moab and Ammon on the east of the Jordan River and Dead Sea (known as the “Salt Sea” in biblical times). The Spice Route (purple) ran from the Arabian Peninsula through Petra, intersecting both the King’s Highway and the Via Maris, then on to the sea at the southern-most port at Gaza.

By no accident, the Sacred Bridge was the site of God’s greatest advertising campaign. The choice was dictated by location — the place where the nations continually passed by. In the midst of cultures given to the worship of many gods, God’s people living in Jerusalem stood as a beacon of truth: the worship of One God, the only God. The book of Acts, chapter two, reads like a United Nations gathering on the day in which God’s fire was poured out. The nations mentioned ring the Sacred Bridge like the spokes of a wheel. No one present would return home silent about what they witnessed that day. In the next week over 8,000 locals and visitors came into the Kingdom of God and were publicly baptized.

This bridge plays no less a role in the future than it has in the past in spite of modernization and progress. Isaiah 19 spells out it’s importance explicitly.

On that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. Assyria will go to Egypt, Egypt to Assyria, and Egypt will worship with Assyria. On that day, I Israel will form a triple alliance with Egypt and Assyria—a blessing within the land. The Lord of Hosts will bless them, saying,

‘Egypt My people, Assyria My handiwork, and Israel My inheritance are blessed'” (Isaiah 19:23, 24, HCSB).

I am not alone in wanting to visit, see, smell, taste and experience the cradle of history. It is alive with the glory of our God, recorded in the Love Letter He left us. Millions come annually, in spite of danger and turmoil, to breathe in the most historically-famous place in the world.

It’s a place where the “Greats” passed through: from Alexander the Great to Napoleon Bonaparte. However, they were mere visitors on a web of ancient highways taking goods and people from Africa to Europe and Asia. A network of byways connect the major highways and have remained as ancient as they were thousands of years ago. It’s to this place that my wild heart is drawn. I love the adventure and the extreme heat, scorpions and dangers of that famed dusty path known as the “Spice Route”.


Carol and I have recently traveled the King’s Highway through Jordan: from the Red Sea Port, to Saudi border and all the way up to the Syria border in the north. Many years ago, before fully understanding Isaiah 19, I led a group of adventure-seekers on a three-day camel trek on the Spice Route in the Aravah on the Israeli side. This route runs perpendicular to the King’s Highway and the Via Maris, and crosses both of those famous routes.

Seffy, our seasoned desert guide.

Seffy, our seasoned desert guide.

A most important ingredient: a sense of fun.

A most important ingredient: a sense of fun.

Target: the Aravah Desert.

Destination: the Aravah Desert.

The photos above show Seffy, our camel-trek guide, as he gives important instructions about the dangers of the desert before we leave the safety of the encampment base on the crest of the mountains above the great African Rift. Lots of sunscreen, water, hats, and most of all, loads of fun. Never forget the fun! Then, it’s off across the desert we go. Velvety hills, carved into terraces by the tiny feet of hundreds of thousand of sheep and goats over the centuries, create a photographer’s paradise.

A normal hike, or desert journey, is magical in and of itself, but, to know you are on the same route trodden by great men for several thousand years is overwhelming.

We take off across the wadi.

We take off across the wadi.


Ancient road signs.

Ancient road signs.


A winnowing fork.

A winnowing fork.

Each two people are assigned a camel. One will walk, the other rides, trading off every few hours. There are ups and downs for our ships of the desert. We cross wadis (dry river beds) and climb mountains on the ancient dusty paths. Our guide points out an almost perfectly round flat stone. We learn that this is an ancient directional road sign that has been used for thousands of years. Upon closer inspection we see ancient writing scraped onto the surface of the stone.

Well-acquainted with the desert, our guide, Seffy, knows where to find hidden agricultural tools in cracks and crevices along the way. This winnowing fork and the ancient road sign deepen our sense of awe of where we are.


Deciding on the camp site.

Deciding on the camp site.


No fancy catering, just ancient methods of cooking.

No fancy catering, just ancient methods of cooking.


Knives, forks and spoons unnecessary.

Knives, forks and spoons unnecessary with communal dining


After meal rest time.

After meal rest time.

The nuts and bolts of the trek were setting up camp late in the afternoon, baking bread like the Bedouins on a large metal wok turned upside down over the fire pit, eating with the hands group style, and of course resting in the heat of the day under a shade anchored by four camels at each corner.

Then instructions for bedding down at night: “Check your sleeping bag area for scorpions!” Very important. The yellow ones are small but very poisonous. Sure enough, one of our ladies slept on top of one. Thankfully, no harm done; the scorpion stayed put all night long.

Small, pretty and poisonous.

Small, pretty and poisonous.

Our guide tells us of the camel caravans, numbering as many as two thousand manned by only 20 men, bringing salt from Ethiopia. The worth of such a caravan could reach as much as $12-million dollars in today’s currency. A tribe of Nabatean desert dwellers controlled the Spice Route as it wound its way through what is now south-central Jordan. These desert dwellers knew the secrets of the arid wilderness–where to find water and food supplies. The Nabateans made their living by taxing the traveling caravans who had to pass through their territory.

The infamous salt mines.

The infamous salt mines of Ethiopia.


Like scenes from a movie, yet still the same today.

Camel Caravans: Like scenes from a movie, yet still the same today.


The Ethiopian desert is a harvest of salt to be transported by camel caravan. Only a few men were needed to tend large numbers of camels.

The Ethiopian desert is a harvest of salt to be transported by camel caravan. Only a few men were needed to tend large numbers of camels.


Along our route were ancient Khans (simple Inns for lodging and food for caravaners). Some ancient structures remain partially intact. The antiquities authority has provided information stations along the way to make the journey more meaningful.

Few tours to Israel have time for these journeys. The map shows two spice routes from Jordan through Israel to the Mediterranean port.

Few tours to Israel have time for these journeys. The map shows two spice routes from Jordan through Israel to the Mediterranean port.

Nubian goats: whom you might see along the way.

Nubian goats: whom you might see along the way.


The big boys: massive gazelle buck, guardian of the desert mountains.

The big boys: massive gazelle buck, guardian of the desert mountains.


Previous structures punctuate the landscape on the Spice Route.

Previous structures punctuate the landscape on the Spice Route.


Our route towered above the canyons. Staying high on the mountain crest was the only way to keep cool as valley floor temperatures could reach 115-degrees fahrenheit.

Deep and beautiful canyons.

Deep and beautiful canyons.


In all this history and beauty, one thing has struck Carol and I repeatedly and that is the history of the spread of Christianity in this Sacred Bridge. Our journey through Jordan was conspicuously punctuated with that fact through the ancient Christian church mosaics unearthed by archaeologists from the north to the south. Though Jordan is an Islamic country each hotel we stayed in proudly displayed large mosaics on their lobby walls. Each of these mosaics was from an ancient church. The heritage of the area is clear: Christ reigns there.

Our mandate is to declare Him Lord of the region and call forth this ancient heritage and inheritance once again until the Light of the world is once again blazing bright.

Jerusalem in the sixth century AD.

Jerusalem in the sixth century AD.

 The Church of Jerusalem

In the Cardo, in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, there is also a mosaic uncovered in Madaba, Jordan, near Mount Nebo. It is a mosaic map of ancient Israel focusing mostly on Jerusalem and the Nea Church there in 540 AD.

Sixth century Jerusalem is depicted in the center of this mosaic map. The red lettering in the white area at top reads, “Hagia Polici Yerusalem” — “The Church of the City of Jerusalem,”  The main street of Roman times, the Cardo, is central in the mosaic: the colonaded shopping mall that bisected the city.

A Sacred Bridge of the Future

The story of the Sacred Bridge is not finished. What seems to the thousands of tourists that visit, a historical era of the past, has yet to see its crowning splendor. Israel’s own, Ben Gurion declared that the future of the region would be brought to fullness when technology brought life and agriculture to those deserts. There are those who know, and can appreciate, what God has proclaimed about the region. Not just the bridge itself, but the surrounding neighboring nations and peoples being pulled into the vortex of His glory: Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Assyria (Syria, Lebanon, Nineveh, and Iraq. Though the boundary lines of the region have changed multiple times through the centuries, the dawn of God’s intentions for His people remains firmly intact. He sends us as forerunners to make the path straight and prepare the way.

Pray for the peoples of the region as God draws all men to the light of His glory.